Immortalised in 1929 as Snowy, Tintin's lovable companion, Wire Fox Terriers have a special place in the hearts of dog lovers around the world. Originally bred as tough working dogs with a strong prey instinct, the fearless Wire Fox Terrier would pursue its quarry, usually foxes and vermin, with a relentless determination. Predictably quick to chase anything that moves, the Wire Fox Terrier is prone to selective hearing when it's nose is to the ground in hot pursuit.
They take their neighbourhood watch duties very seriously, diligently alerting their humans to both innocent passers-by and perceived intruders with plenty of vocal warnings! These strong-hearted risk takers like to think they have the upper paw - stubborn, impulsive and insatiably curious, they always live life to the full. They love to dig and are often found landscaping the garden or digging their way to freedom.
These little fire crackers are a bundle of energy and intelligence with bags of personality to boot. Their dark, round eyes, trademark beard and wiry coat give them an air of mischief and style that is hard to beat.